AJT Engineering, Inc.
AJT Engineering, Inc. Engineering /ATCT/ Communications

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200 Willard St, Suite 2C

Cocoa, Florida, 32922 USA

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Design Build Antenna Foundations, Towers and Shelter Buildings, 6 Sites, Flagler County EOC, Flagler County, Florida

Our team provided design, permitting, and construction of one monopole and one guyed tower.  Project also included foundations for 6 owner provided precast concrete shelters, installation of antenna and dishes, cabling, power service and connection, fencing, and all related site work.  Design and permitting were required for 3 cities and the owner/county.  Extensive coordination was vital to the success of these installations as there were many different entities involved.  Project was completed by the team while at AJT & Associates, Inc



Other tower projects include analysis, design, permitting and foundation construction at locations across Florida, Kennedy Space Center and

Cape Canaveral Air Force Station