AJT Engineering Inc has completed the Safety Risk Management Document, Sitting Analysis, Conceptual and Final Design for this busy Dallas reliever airport. After investigating ten sites, FAA approval for the final site was granted using the Alternate Method. This Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) Project began in 2008. Initial tower architectural concept was developed with local materials and architectural themes.
Before the demolition of the existing tower AJT staff coordinated and installed the cut over and integration of the existing airport and FAA communications and weather equipment into the new tower. The equipment was a mixture of airport and FAA equipment. All electrical grounding and bonding is accordance with FAA specifications and standards. Close coordination between the FAA, TxDOT, Airport Management and the Airport Development Corporation has been key to program progress.
AJT provided construction support including on site field inspections, construction draws, submittal review and construction drawings, as well as the design and installation of communication equipment.
The new 8 story 77'-7" (cab floor height) design includes 5 finished levels including the cab and has 3 unfinished levels for future use.