AJT Engineering, Inc.
AJT Engineering, Inc. Engineering /ATCT/ Communications

Stinson Municipal Airport

ATCT Replacement Design and Siting

San Antonio, Texas

Estimated Construction Start April 2016

Project included Safety Risk Management Documents, Siting Analysis, and Conceptual Design. Currently at 95% design, we are working towards Final Construction Drawings.  Siting investigated eleven sites with differing controller eye heights range from 71 to 99 feet. The SRMD was signed in 90 days.


Historically significant and environmentally sensitive areas impacted many sites. The preferred site, though not the shortest of the studied sites, has the best features of all investigated. This 2 runway airport has intersecting runways and the controller line of sight was carefully studied to plan the orientation of the cab and shaft. The 105’ controller eye height was determined to allow line of sight over existing protected tress. The tower architecture will bear local historic features of the surrounding Spanish missions.


The 11 story 99'-9" (cab floor height) tower design includes 5 finished levels and 6 unfinished levels for future use.

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