AJT Engineering, Inc.
AJT Engineering, Inc. Engineering /ATCT/ Communications

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Texas State Technical College, Waco

ATCT Replacement Design and Sitting Study

Waco, Texas

Construction Complete: March 2012

AJT completed the Safety Risk Management Document, Siting Analysis and Conceptual and Final Design for Texas State school system owned airport.  Seven (7) sites across airport property were investigated with three finalists.  Using the Alternate Method, a site was selected on the existing ramp.  This Texas Department of Transportation Project began in January, 2010.


AJT provided construction support, including on site inspections, construction draws and submittal reviews, as well as the design and bid package for communication equipment. AJT worked closely with the FAA, airport and TxDOT with the coordination of a temporary leased tower coordinating the transfer and cut over between the existing ATCT.


The new tower has a 20 ft shaft in an effort to save funds.  All functions were designed into this small shaft ATCT and the budget was maintained. The 7 story, 72 foot tower (cab floor height) has 5 finished levels including the cab and 2 unfinished levels for future use. The efficent cab layout allows comfortable workspace for 4 controllers.